All carbon atoms have 6 protons. Suppose a carbon has 5 electrons. What is its charge? An electron has a charge of -1.6 * 10^(-19) C. How many electrons would be needed to produce a net charge of -1.8 * 10^(-6) C? Uranium 235 has 92 protons in its atoms. Calculate t...
Atoms are the basis of all the elements in the universe, the building blocks of all visible matter, and the secret to nuclear power.
How many unpaired electrons are in a cu2+ ion? Electron Pairing Atoms and ions consist of electrons that occupy orbitals somewhere around the nucleus of the atom. Orbitals are spaces around the nucleus that an electron has the greatest likelihood of occupying. Different orbitals have different ene...
No atoms are destroyed or created. The bottom line is: Matter cycles through the universe in many different forms. In any physical or chemical change, matter doesn't appear or disappear. Atoms created in the stars (a very, very long time ago) make up every living and nonliving thing on ...
In short, most atoms are condensed into stars, most stars are condensed into galaxies, most galaxies into clusters, most clusters into superclusters and, finally, into the largest-scale structures like the Great Wall of galaxies (aka. theSloan Great Wall). On a smaller scale, these clumps ar...
How many different molecules can you generate by replacing one H atom with a hydroxyl group ( -OH) in butane?Structural Isomers:Structural isomers are molecules with the same molecular formula, but different structural formula. The structural formula is different due...
Atoms of the same element have the same number of protons. All copper atoms have 29 protons. All helium atoms have 2 protons. Isotopes occur when atoms of the same element have different masses. Since the number of protons of an element doesn't change, the difference in mass occurs because...
Complex. Consisting of many different parts, and often difficult to understand. Kind of. To do the things that are necessary to Complete a job. Evolve. To include or or somebody or something. Pressure. A way of doing something that is the usual way. Procedure. Professor. Pacifism. Green ...
O2 Unit Conversion: The molecule involved in the problem is oxygen which is known as a diatomic molecule. It means that it is composed of 2 Oxygen atoms to form the said molecule. The given amount of oxygen is expressed in grams (mass) and can be converted to the number of moles using...
When different ring sizes are allowed, a large number of polycyclics are possible. Strain calculations suggest that the five kinds of unbridged tricyclics containing three-, four-, and five-membered rings should all be reasonably stable. The proposed scheme may find use in categorizing the ...