How Many Americans Died in WW2?World War II has been the bloodiest war in human history, killing over 60 million people. This means that around 3 percent of the entire 1939 world population died in the war. Although most battles were fought in Europe, America was very active in the war,...
It was when I looked for the meaning of “DNB” (Died Non-Battle) that I discovered there is meaning in the serial number, also referred to as a service number. WWII US Army Serial Numbers: Meaning in the First Digits The U.S. Army began issuing serial numbers to help avoid mixing ...
After losing the 1940 election, Wilkie worked closely with FDR to sabotage nationalist Republicans and was briefly considered for FDR's VP in 1944. Instead, his usefulness apparently at an end, he conveniently died in that year at age 52 of a "streptococcic throat infection" contracted in hosp...
Also if any other faith controlled as much of the American corporate scene and the interests in the central banks that the Rothschilds now do, you would be up in arms demanding that things be forced to have more diversity. Many of the larger corporate officers are Jews from Bill Gates ...
died, they would obviously not be needed on Germanythe target selection list was made in a meeting in May 1945 (Truman was not there and made no suggestions)orders were written by the Army to drop the atomic bombs on Japan as quickly as they became availableone bomb was tested on July ...
Re: "learnt many things about how not to run a company" The problem is that far too often, the idiots still try to do something and DO keep getting in the way. Idiots in positions like that far to often end up in the actually competent people burning out or leaving because they hav...
“I am coming to the conclusion that TIME has run out for White People. We are like Pharaoh. God gave Pharaoh so many chances. And then it came to the point where God Himself hardened Pharaoh’s heart” I myself, have come to similar a conclusion. We, ...
There are many flavors of the Safety First approach, and Wade Pfau wrote a good summary on Forbes. Since I am already past 5,000 words, I must defer detailed simulations to a future post. But it’s on my to-do list, so stay tuned and watch this space. I will present...
These simple, very safe, remedies worked a century ago and they work today.In a major outbreak of diphtheria in Glasgow, Scotland, just after WW2, children treated with homeopathy all survived; 50% of those not treated with homeopathy died of this disease. The British Royal family still swear...
When the SHTF, especially in the beginning, some houses became empty. People left or died inside (for whatever reason, for example, shelling). Then folks would go through the empty houses and scavenge for food. One memory from that time is the endless stench of rotten food (there was no...