Disaster migrationFukushima nuclear accidentTemporal-spatial patterns of evacuationEvacuation location selectionEvacuation distanceThe accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant triggered a massive evacuation from affected areas. Although several studies have investigated various aspects of the evacuation...
In this satellite view, the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power plant after a massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 14, 2011. Japanese officials report that a fire at the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant has released radioactive material into the air in the latest development in t...
P Tucker - My First Meltdown: Lessons from Fukushima: Japan's Nuclear Disaster Carries a Number of Important Lessons, Such as How and When to Deploy a Worst-Case Scenario. While Working in Kyoto, the Futurist's Senior Editor Observed Japan's Nightmare and the Costs of Poor Communication dur...
Morioka (2014) presents a fascinating deconstruction of the role of a specific depiction of worker identity underpinning low risk perceptions of radiation and health risks following the Fukushima disaster. Similarly, Tyler and Fairbrother (2013) –in their research Bushfires are men's business discuss...
It generated a tsunami, which led to a nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant. Nearly 16,000 people died. Since that fateful day, Hanyu – who has gone from having just finished his first senior season to adoubleOlympicfigure skatingchampion– has never stoppe...
at the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant died after suffering radiation exposure. The man, who was in his 50s, died from lung cancer that was diagnosed in 2016. Japan's government had previously agreed that radiation caused illness in four workers but this is the first acknowledged death....
When the Great East Japan Earthquake hit in March 2011, the double Olympic champ was still a 16-year-old and training in the affected region – and the disaster had a profound impact
Most safety measures put in place by governments are in response to a recent disaster rather than in the prevention of a future one. So the response is tied to recency bias (always fighting the last war) and rarely prepares for a worst-case scenario. “Preparing for the Big One is catego...
dangerous,” herailed怒斥愤怒说道 in an interview in 2006,five years before an earthquake and tsunamirocked撼动了,震撼 north-east Japan andtriggered引发anuclear meltdown核泄露 in Fukushima.In the wake ofthe disaster在……之后,Mr Sakamoto travelled often to the region to support localresidents当地...
When China's economy experiences a downturn, it has a palpable impact on the worldwide trade in metals, energy, grains, and many more commodities. This leads to economic pain through much of the world, although it is most acute in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, as these ar...