There are many types of democracies in the world, and some countries that are considered democracies don't truly meet the criteria of the term. A corporation in the United Kingdom has created a system called the ''Democracy Index'' to evaluate how many countries in the world are democratic...
How many political parties are in Tamil Nadu? What are the political parties in Finland? How many political parties are there in New Zealand? How many political parties are in Lebanon? How many countries are democratic? What are the political parties in Sweden? What are the political parties...
In contrast, republics were slower to change, as decisions were made by representatives one-step-removed from the populace, allowing emotions to cool. This is one of the criticisms of democratic state ballot initiatives, where people ...
The procedures for passport control, if there are not many arrival flights at the same time, usually take no more than 15 or 30 minutes. If there are more arrivals and many people (usually in summer), then it’s not uncommon that you have to wait an hour or more. ...
There are many questions over who could lead a loyalist regime in Ukraine, one that could resemble that of Belarus' Alexander Lukashenko. Kuzio noted that there has been speculation about Moscow seeking to install former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who was stripped of his powers by...
Many have imagined republics and principalities which have never been seen or known to exist in reality; for how we live is so far removed from how we ought to live, that he who abandons what is done for what ought to be done, will rather bring about his own ruin than his preservation...
Since the revolution in 1905 Russia was becoming progressively more democratic, distributing power throughout the political sphere. This came to an abrupt halt when Vladimir Lenin was put into power by the Bolshevik takeover of the Provisional Government. Many authors have had different takes on ...
The French Revolution opened the curtain of modern society, the Republic's growth, the spread of liberal democratic ideology, the development of modern ideas and large-scale war between countries have become the symbol of the revolution. Many new institutions, ideologies and major reforms were ...
Socialism can be compatible with individual liberty, democratic government, and freedom of choice. Communism is imposed by an authoritarian state in which individual rights and liberties are held to be inferior to the rights of the people as a whole. Most advanced democracies contain some ...
Many companies set up big manufacturing facilities in countries where labor and other costs are cheaper. An American company, for example, could sell its goods in the U.S. but get them made, say, in Vietnam. By opening manufacturing facilities in Vietnam, the company is investing in the ...