How three Democratic presidents wound up swinging a region from blue to red.Jonathan Yardley
In addition to Johnson, Clinton and Trump, only one other U.S. president has faced formal impeachment inquiries in the House of Representatives:Richard Nixon. Many other presidents have been threatened with impeachment by political foes without gaining any real traction in Congress. ...
More than a dozen sitting presidents have faced Congressional censure, but the official reprimands do not carry the weight of law.
But, rather than just give you a boring list that simply names and numbers all presidents since the first one (George Washington), we thought you would like to get a flavor of what made them tick, according to what they said. The records show that some of them were very verbose and sa...
Some former presidents have tried to regain their party nomination and return to office, while others evolved in a different direction. Martin Van Buren’s attempt to regain the Democratic nomination Van Buren was one of a few presidents that did not retire gracefully and leave politics to younge...
Before the adoption of the 12th Amendment in 1804, voters chose presidents and vice presidents separately. When a president and vice president were from opposing parties, as Vice President Thomas Jefferson and President John Adams were in the late 1700s, many thought the split provided a system ...
In many democratic countries, the head of state and the head of government are two different people. The United States combines both roles, ceremonial and chief executive, into the office of the presidency. “Since we have no national figure other than the president, we’ve essentially taken ...
The Electoral College is the unique American system of electing presidents. It's a 538-member group that elects a president.
In what ways is the electoral system in the United States not democratic? How many primaries occur on Super Tuesday? Which presidents were elected by the Electoral College but not the popular vote? How did the Electoral College evolve? How many congressional districts did Romney win? W...
How are elections run in a democratic country? How are candidates selected? Where does the President of the United States vote? How long has the Electoral College been in place? In what month do we vote for President? How many Electoral College votes are in each state?