There are many types of democracies in the world, and some countries that are considered democracies don't truly meet the criteria of the term. A corporation in the United Kingdom has created a system called the ''Democracy Index'' to evaluate how many countries in the world are democratic...
UPDATED JANUARY 2025: If you ask how many countries in the world are there in 2024. Well, the answer is that technically speaking there are 197 countries in the world. From a travel perspective, you could argue there are 215 countries. I’ve visited them all! Although it’s pretty compli...
"Farmers leave their families to work for higher salaries in the cities, but many of them face the daily risk of losing their jobs," Zhang said. "We must ensure the bottom line is protected for their life and their families." She was glad that the suggestion was received well and accept...
There are also manyrebel-held territories(and fully self-governing areas likePuntlandstatein Somalia) that aren't controlled by any country, but are left off the list because they don't claim to be independent. Their leaders agree in principle that they're part of another country, even if ...
How many countries are there in the world? There are 195 recognised countries in the world, according to the United Nations. 193 of these are member states of the UN, while two countries are non-member observer states: Vatican City and the State of Palestine. ...
COUNTRIESThis article is a comparative analysis of the Constitutions of three post-communist countries -- Hungary, Latvia, and Ukraine -- in the field of democracy and its values. These countries were chosen on the basis of their different status: Hungary is a post-communist country,...
The Democratic and Republican Parties are increasingly atodds in many aspects. Politicians put the interests of their political parties and factions above those of the country and attack and pin blames on each other. Minutes after the indictment was announced last week, Trump, who is running...
But why is the question on how many countries there are in the world so complex? Because there is no consensus around the sovereignty of some states and political interests always get in the way, and change constantly with the change in governments. ...
In the eyes of many, China's people-centered advancement is a significant human rights feat, setting a new benchmark. Former Prime Minister of Guyana Moses Nagamootoo said China's concept of people-centered human rights could be illuminating to other countries. ...
How many countries are democratic? What are the political parties in Sweden? What are the political parties in Greece? How many Slavic countries are there? What are the political parties in Norway? Which countries were communist during the Cold War? What type of economy did the Soviet Union ...