A quiet bathroom fan is 0.3 to 1.0 sones. Quiet bathroom fans make as much noise as normal breathing or whispering from a few feet away. What is a sone? A sone is a measurement of sound, similar to decibels. They are linear in that 1 sone is twice as loud as .5 sones. And 2 ...
Asubjectiveunitofloudnessfor anaveragelistenerequalto theloudnessof a1000-hertzsoundthat has anintensity40decibelsabove thelistener'sownthresholdofhearing. from Free Scrabble Dictionary Don't see a word in our results? You can find many more using our hugeword lists!
Understanding Sones and Decibels Sones: The most common measurement for bathroom fan noise. A rating of1 soneis roughly comparable to the gentle hum of a refrigerator. The lower the sone rating, the quieter the fan. Decibels (dB): A handful of manufacturers list noise in decibels, another st...
"There are many kinds of noise - but only one silence." Loudness is a personal subjective characteristic of a sound - as opposed to the sound pressure level in decibels, which is objective and directly measurable. SPL. Conversion of Volume (Magnitude of Sound): Loudness level LN (phons) to...