I Googled the question “how many churches are there in the world” to see if I was close. It turns out, I wasn’t. According to quora.com, the estimated number of church buildings accommodating Christian congregations is approximately 37 million. That’s one for every 65 people. The sa...
Sellers often ship products in standard-sized boxes, with lots of empty space filled with unnecessary material. As well as creating waste, the package takes up unnecessary space while being transported, increasing its carbon footprint. Then there is the issue of the materials used: wit...
But as many of America’s most storied “highbrow” (高雅的) institutions struggle financially – the Philadelphia Orchestra’s much-publicized rebound from bankruptcy is just one recent example – classical music fans and theorists are wondering how the medium can weave itself into the 21st centur...
The lasttyrannos, or tyrant, to rule Athens was Hippias, who fled the city whenSpartainvaded in 510 B.C. Two or three years later, an Athenian aristocrat named Cleisthenes helped introduce democratic reforms. Over the next several decades, subsequent reforms expanded this political system while...
While these cornerstones of the prevailing metanarrative may have had significant relevance for leveraging opportunities and advancing quality of life in the past, they are no longer consistent with our knowledge of the state of the planet, the goals of sustainable well-being societies, or our ...
What’s more, Denmark’s stock market has been on fire the past 20 years whereas the UK’s has been moribund. Consequently Britain has slipped into the bottom half of the table, after decades as one of the leading lights. And while it’s true that losing a World War is bad news, Ja...
The scorched scroll was one of hundreds discovered in the remains of a luxury Roman villa in Herculeaneum, near Pompeii in Italy, in the eighteenth century. Attempts over the centuries to peel apart the scrolls’ fragile, carbonized layers left many in pieces, and scholars have been forced to...
In a healthy sleeper, melatonin levels rise a few hours before bedtime,stay high through the night,and then settle back down when it’s time to wake up. In our modem society, however, most of us stay up many hours past sunset and would probably sleep in many hours after sunrise if we...
This is the way to think about writing decades using numbers: they are both abbreviations and plurals. A shorter way of saying “My mother was born in the 1940s” is “My mother was born in the ’40s.” The apostrophe (not an opening single quotation mark) indicates where the two cent...
which then burst, ushering in Japan's "Lost Decade" of economic stagnation. Despite this setback, the TSE remained a crucial global financial hub. But it would take decades to find its way back to its late 1980s heights.