We pay tribute to the restaurants in London that have for years served their communities quietly and without fanfare. Plus: a New York business that curates…
If you’re backpacking Amsterdam, or on a tight budget, you will probably find ‘the Dam’ to be one of the most expensive cities in the world. Amsterdam is compact enough to explore a great deal in a fewer amount of days. There is something for everyone in Amsterdam. In order to und...
How do so many travellers manage with carry-on? While there’s no right way or wrong way to pack light, the secret lies in identifying the essentials — the absolute minimum, and building from there. What are your must-haves, and what can you temporarily do without? Can you forego a ...
Now you could say, if a city like Paris can achieve such a transformation, any city should be able to as well. But Paris isn’t there yet. So let’s look to a city that has done it: Amsterdam. Many people don’t realize that Amsterdam was a car-dominant city in the 50s and 60s...
We should expand the search for FIRE enthusiasts to the already affluent who, for some reason, don’t even realize they are FIRE or close to FIRE. I’m not sure there are many such “oblivious FI folks,” but we should try to grow the movement any way we can....
Daliana Liu is a big name in data science teaching, and she has always been generous in sharing everything she knows about getting a job in data science. In this episode, she continues to extend her generosity, helping listeners define their approach to
The past year has been unimaginable in so many ways and we wanted a design that would reflect the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on all aspects of our lives but also, more importantly, how the world will emerge in a post-pandemic era. The initial concept from our designer Ben Fearnley...
As an example, British Airways ranks each passenger by a CIV (Commercial Individual Value) score between 0 and 105 which depends on your status and how much you spend with BA or your influence over a corporate travel budget. This is one of many things BA takes into account in its upgrade...
Twenty-four days after that first entry, Anne and her Jewish family were forced into hiding, in the cramped attic annex over her father’s warehouse in Amsterdam. It’s where they would spend the next two years. According to Anne Frank’s father, Otto, Anne didn’t write in her journal...
The news has fundamentally changed. Think of theNew York Times. When they decide topublish an article about you, they are doing you a huge favor. After all, there are so many other people they could write about. There is a finite number of spots in the paper. Blogs are different, as...