2021 《Somehow You Do》- Reba McEntire - 出自《Four Good Days》(美好的四天) 04:11 2021 《Down To Joy》 - New Van Morrison recording - 出自《Belfast》(贝尔法斯特) 03:41 2020《Speak Now》 - Leslie Odom Jr. - 出自《One Night in Miami.》(迈阿密的一夜) 03:37 2020《Fight For You...
Cairo Bashtil station - new, opened October 2024, see location map A vast new station called Bashtil opened in October 2024, roughly 7 km west of Cairo Ramses station. The sleeper trains to/from Luxor & Aswan are already using Bashtil, no longer using Cairo Ramses station. Other trains ...
days. Drain the liquid that seeps out of the flowers and use it for cooking or tisane. If you have ume vinegar, add 1.5 tsp of vinegar to the blossoms and let them sit in the fridge for 3 days. Drain the liquid again. Alternatively, you can use lemon juice and follow the same ...
Days grow shorter in the winter, for people with a 9-to-5 job might miss the opportunity to fly during the day. You could however fly FPV at night with a good low light capable camera. Check out this article where I explainhow to fly at night, and compared a few great FPV cameras ...
I don't ever want to give things away that I can never get back. At the same time, I know that what I have is rare and special, and not many people get these opportunities. It's like, how do you not sell your soul to the devil in times like this? When you want something so...
SAFe DevOps with SAFe DevOps Practitioner (SDP) Certification (2-days) TheSAFe DevOpscourse is, in many ways, more a workshop than a training course. It works best when a group of people from the same organisation attend together. Participants start by value stream mapping their current dev...
This article has generated several important conversations. Many mothers/grandmothers are going through similar realities each with their unique set of situations. Talking and being vulnerable with one another is part of the healing process – as we can tell by reading your chats. Knowing that you...
4 Tb non dairy milk (I use almond milk) 1 Tb vanilla 2 tsp. baking powder 3 cups of flour Here’s how to make them: Heat the oven to 350 Cream the butter and sugar. Add the vanilla and milk and mix well. Stir in the baking powder. Add the flour and mix til smooth. ...
I have wanted to grow them for years, I tried planting the bare root tuber version several times many years ago. I think they must have come up somewhere by China because they never came up in my yard. Fast forward to now, we moved into my mother’s home after she passed several ...
Michael Hickins | Content Strategist | April 29, 2024 Retailers are as ideally suited to benefit from AI as companies in any other industry, enriching the data analytics they’re already doing to improve inventory management, assortment planning, merchandising, marketing, and other business activities...