Raising geese is a lot easier than you may think. The effort is well worth it, especially if you use the natural tendencies of the geese to benefit you. Read on to learn about weeder geese, pet geese, and security alarm geese!
Men want to be with wives in the crucial initial days of childbirth, not just to take care of them but also witness the first cry and the first smile of the newborn. Men are also willing actively participate in childcare more than ever before. These requirements of the male workforce are...
You only have so many resources, right? In identifying challenges in the business, how can we fix this and what are we going to do moving forward to keep everyone on the same page. I don't know how we would have gotten through the last two years without that system in place. Being ...
in 2021,New Zealand introduced a right for parents to have 3 days’ paid leave after a miscarriage. Other countries are even more generous - in India, anyone who suffers a miscarriage is entitled to up to six weeks of fully paid leave and the Philippines provide 60 days ...
I’ve learned that in the Philippines, as in many Muslim communities, the ritual usually takes place around when boys reach puberty, rather than when they are infants. It’s worth pointing out, then, that Filipino men who have undergone this ritual will have memories of it that a Jewish ...
You would think I would have become used to the loud croaking, but it got worse every day. These creatures croaked so loudly outside my bedroom that my window started vibrating, night after night. There were many days when I had trouble focusing at work because I couldn’t get a good ...
“We’ll leave the can in the sun until the heat causes the beans to expand so much the can will explode.”“Nonsense,” said the economist. “Using either method we’d lose too many beans. According to my plan, there will be no mess or fuss and not a single bean will be lost....
bring new syringes with you if you’re traveling for many months in poor and unsanitary destinations, and don’t go near needles unless you’re sure they’re sterile. I usually carry a set when I’m heading off the beaten path where I might find a health practitioner but no clinic, alo...
so more taxpayers leave. Same for NY. When they tally the number of New Yorkers leaving by using moving van counts, they far understate reality. Many New Yorkers continue to have a home here, but they do not pay taxes here, and they use FL as their tax home, so the hit to the gov...
There are slightly more sunny days, so I can’t complain about that either. I’m in Santa Fe, which is pretty comparable to many parts of Colorado regarding cost of living and the weather feels nearly identical to Colorado with our almost 7000′ elevation. Santa Fe punches above it’s ...