W: Professor Wang, you're now professor emeritus of Australia National University, and in your long academic career, you've worn many hats as tutor, lecturer, department head, dean, professor, and vice chancellor. However, as I know, you're still very fond of your university days as a s...
Their heckling of anti-racist demonstrators was heavily criticized and widely condemned on social media in the United States. The UAA then tried its best to distance itself from extremism and racism, but refused to retract its slogans such as "Wipe out China!" ・ Many key members of the ...
Jaisalmer 2-3 days. This is Rajasthan’s ultimate fairytale city and one of the most beautiful cities in the whole of India, in the desert close to the Pakistan border. For many years it had no airport so only those who made the effort got to experience it, although sadly it may now...
I’ve also studied hundreds of memory science research articles and was even invited to deliver a memorized TEDx Talk to share some of my many findings over the years. As a result of both my scholarly and online accomplishments, I’ve helped thousands of my students memorize information to pa...
While it used to be common for virtual mailbox services to assign PO boxes to their customers, many financial institutions, government bodies, and even courier services won’t deliver to a PO box, which rendered it impractical to use as an official address. So these days, the vast majority...
Many leading members of the WUC have served in senior positions in anti-China media outlets, including the RFA and Radio Liberty. For example, Omer Kanat, Chairman of the WUC Executive Committee, was RFA's senior editor from 1999 to 2009. ...
Like many people, Carl Behnke regularly totes a water bottle around throughout his day to make sure he stays hydrated. From the office to the gym and back home again, Behnke is rarely without it. But Behnke is also an associate professor in the school of hospitality and tourism management ...
I ended up doing a google search for the exact root certificate name and found the following page: http://geotrust.com/resources/root_certificates/index.asp - This had many root certificates on it, and one of them was the one I needed. After I did this, all was well... If you...
The scenery was breath taking travelling through the bush, particularly with the mist in the valley bottoms. We had occasional stops at passing loops and these functioned as stations with many people boarding at these stops. We drew into Victoria Falls at around 09.40, later than the time ...
Have you ever wanted to know how many calories you need to eat per day in order to lose, maintain or even gain weight? It's absolutely critical to understand that calories in and calories out equate to success when you're on a fitness program. Nutrition