Smaller gyres also exist at the poles, and one circulates around Antarctica. Short-lasting, smaller currents often spin off both small and large gyres. The Gulf Stream, a particularly strong current that is part of the North Atlantic gyre, carries warm water north from the Gulf of Mexico up...
Smaller gyres also exist at the poles, and one circulates around Antarctica. Short-lasting, smaller currents often spin off both small and large gyres. The Gulf Stream, a particularly strong current that is part of the North Atlantic gyre, carries warm water north from the Gulf of Mexico up...
Once additional heat has reached this depth, over-turning currents within the oceans can carry it further down. The major overturning current flows, mixing the surface with the abyssal depths happen in several defined regions in the oceans. But lesser flows and gyres exist in some locations that...
factors are all low-level forcing mechanisms that set air currents in motion or perturb existing currents. Above the Boundary Layer, winds are directed by two factors: the gradients that exist between centres of high and low pressure (anticyclones and cyclones respectively) - air will always ...
There are still many gaps in the basic measures that have been put in place by member states to address agricultural pressures, including a lack of measures to control phosphate and nitrate emissions outside nitrate vulnerable zones established under the ND [19] and within and outside of the ...