After two years of caring for meat chickens and falling in love with the birds only for them to be slaughtered, I decided to buy my own chickens. At 11 years old, I started my first of many entrepreneurial ventures to save money for my own flock of layer breeds. Pretty soon, I proudl...
Cows have two teats, which are normally concealed inside slits behind the whale's abdomen, near the base of the tail. Whale milk is exceptionally rich, giving the calves the nutrients they need to grow to full size in a short period of time. A baby blue whale drinks 50 gallons (189 L...
Slaughterhouses “process” many animals a day, so its operation is similar to an assembly line. Cows and pigs, animals of great weight, are lifted from the floor by their rear legs, causing them tears and breaks. After that, they areslaughtered by the killers, their trembling bodies can ...
trucks, trains, planes, power plants, our homes and buildings, (all the things humans use) plus methane released from the ground when glaciers and ice sheets melt. Even cows burping cause 2.4% of the methane put into the atmosphere. Millions of cattle are raised...
Many beef producers voluntarily submit their beef to be evaluated by the USDA, which ranks beef according to its maturity and marbling. Prime beef, the top grade, comes from the youngest cows and has the most marbling (that is, the highest fat content). In descending order, the next grades...
As I’ve mentioned already, mushroom leather is incredibly durable. Producers are experimenting with growing the matter into bricks for buildings! This brings me to the next point. With such durable material, many people have high hopes to sustainably grow mycelium into various products far beyond...
In Finland a refiner called Neste has made biofuels from the waste products of slaughtered cows and pigs. It has dropped small quantities of them into the fuel systems of Boeing Dreamliners. But the availability of all biofuels, even those from energy crops, is constrained by the shortage of ...
Many of the attractions in Hiroshima are located close to the Peace Memorial Park Hiroshima’s train station is located roughly three km, or two miles, from the city’s main landmarks, so I don’t recommend leaving your luggage in the station while you explore. Instead, do as I did and...
there's only so many hours in the day. I think, just like you said, that that legalistic part ... Yes, no matter what method you choose to raise your pigs, you're going to want to make sure that you are raising them as ethically and as humanely as possible, but there's more th...
untapped resource that could help meet the food and water demands of the world’s ever-expanding population. And it’s really no wonder: Insects are highly nutritious, and also far more environmentally friendly to raise than conventional livestock. Compared with cows, pigs, or chickens, crickets...