There are many types of democracies in the world, and some countries that are considered democracies don't truly meet the criteria of the term. A corporation in the United Kingdom has created a system called the ''Democracy Index'' to evaluate how many countries in the world are democratic...
There is no one-size-fits-all modelof democracyfor all countries in the world and each country has the right to choose a path of democratic development that suits its own national conditions. "The basic principle of democracy is not to impose your model and your social values on others," ...
Britain’s new king, Charles III, will take the reins of this organization composed of former colonies. But the royal family’s leadership of the Commonwealth is no longer a given—here’s why.
Observers in many countries said that with an independent foreign policy of peace and a mutually beneficial strategy of opening-up, China has always contributed to world peace and development. FOR WORLD PEACE "Peaceful development as emblematic of China's international cooperation has seen Beijing wel...
In particular, China actively responds to the calls and concerns of the poverty-stricken countries which bear the brunt in the aftershock of the global pandemic and economic downturn. For example, China is helping many African countries, such as Mozambique, develop modern agriculture with the help...
During a conversation with "Kill Tony" comedian Tony Hinchcliffe on Wednesday, podcast host Joe Rogan discussed his view of the political ramifications of the prosecution of Donald Trump. "What's scary is how many Democrats are willing to allow this kin
“Flawed Democracy”. This places them solidly behind “Full Democracies” in central Europe, but also Costa Rica or Uruguay, and very far from e.g. leading Scandinavian countries or Switzerland. Instead, America is comparable to some countries with little democratic tradition like South Korea or...
Scale was another theme. The size of modern governments reflects the technology at the time of their founding. European countries and the early American states are a particular size because that�s what was governable in the 18th and 19th centuries. Larger governments � the U.S. as a who...
A foundational principle of liberal democracy is that all citizens are equal, and so the protection of fundamental human rights is of critical importance for democratic effectiveness. In many countries a statement of citizens’ rights forms part of the constitution, and is especially enshr...
The Chinese government scored highest in a poll of 27 countries on public trust, with about 84 percent of Chinese having trust in the government, the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer survey found. The true meaning of people's democracy is finding the best way to coordinate the aspirations and dema...