Plant 30 carrots per household member. More tips: Carrot Seed Starting Tips. Quick sprouting carrot seeds: How to Pre-Sprout Carrot SeedsSowing carrots with seed tape Carrot companion plants Plant carrots with chives, onions, leeks, tomatoes, peas, and rosemary. Avoid planting carrots with dil...
Eggplants(Solanum melongena)are warm-season vegetables that are treated by most North American gardeners as annuals. Also called aubergine and brinjal in some countries, eggplants have a tropical and subtropical heritage, so they do require relatively high temperatures, similar totomatoesand peppers (...
Square feet planting: 6 loose leaf plants per square foot, 1 heading lettuce plant per square foot. Lettuce must be thinned; lettuce that is too crowded will bolt. Transplant rooted thinnings to another row or spot; transplanted lettuce will be set back a couple of weeks but it will come...
Of the many diseases that can infect growing beans, downy mildew is among the most common; it usually strikes spring crops. Fungicides are used to treat the condition. Leaf and pod spot, the most dangerous for winter crops, may be prevented through fungicide seed treatment....
Tip: When thinning, don’t pull up the plants, as you may accidentally disturb the roots of the beets you want to keep. Instead, just snip or pinch off the greens (and eat them). Mulch and then water regularly with about 1 inch of water per square foot per week. Beets need to mai...
Make sure plants receive one to two inches of water per week. Cultivars to Select Big, juicy watermelons with red or bright pink flesh are delicious, but there are many different cultivars to choose from when growing these fruits in the home garden. ...
She estimates that for each additional tree planted per acre, the yield of each tree will decrease by 3 bushels. How many trees should she plant per acre to max A farmer finds that is she plants 55 trees per acre, each of the tree will yield 80 bushels of frui...
I calculated it by how many wipes you can get because you use different amounts of toilet paper because of factors such a 1 ply, 2 ply, ultra soft etc. Here are the results of our test. I put these in order of cheapest to most expensive. ...
How to Grow Better Tomatoes By: Cynthia Sandberg Tomatoes are the number one edible plant people grow in their yards. Unfortunately, many people think you just plop a plant in the ground and with water it will grow. If you’re...
Peas will grow in a container at least 8 inches (20cm) deep. The number of plants required to produce a reasonable crop may not justify the effort. Plant 12 seeds per 12-inch pot or 15 seeds per square foot box. Use commercial organic potting soil when growing peas in containers. ...