However, The CFA approach is impractical in our data due to many items and measures. Rönkkö and Cho (2020) claimed that the difference between the techniques is minuscule in a large sample. We used two indices because of controversy in the literature; some consider Pearson’s r to be...
How many of them have you read? Have you read the citrate paper? The6 2013 TV Orange Is the New Black #all flustered? You got me pissed off. How many times do you think you can come around and fuck up Piper's life7 1999 SPOK NPR_Science #of questions here, one of which is: ...
The speed event is designed to showcase the athletes’ precision and explosiveness as they mount 15-meter-high walls, featuring five degrees of incline. In the lead event, athletes have six minutes to climb as high as they can on a 15-meter wall without having seen the potential routes ...
Many interviewees did not have the impression that the Antwerp Jewish communities were being disproportionately affected by COVID-19 in terms of cases or fatalities. According to an Orthodox member of the Shomre Hadas community: “It is often like that, when a problem emerges in the world, ...
Not a single kid that I went to college with has a criminal record right now. Not a single one. But can you imagine how many might have if the police had stopped those kids and searched their pockets for drugs as they walked to class? Or had raided their frat p...
have many ofthe social and crime problems we now have. They have created a dependent culture where kids are taught from a young age that they are ”victims” of white oppression, and therefore, they are “entitled” to be given money instead of earning it. They get promoted to the next...
Its training has a more comprehensive, educational approach since more recruits have high school diplomas or college degrees, compared with the United States [source: Bayley]. New recruits go through a classroom training period and time in the field, followed by more classroom training. ...
we have added an attention control question. 136 respondents passed the attention test and responded seriously (Nbiophilic design = 69,Nnon-biophilic design = 67). In this sample, 56.8% were female, 43.2% were male; 63.9% had bachelor’s degrees, 28.6% had master’s degrees, and...
For eight years I have tried to achieve this goal by showing all those around me how grateful I am to have them in my life and give something back. To lend support, to listen, to help build their dreams as they did for me. Many years ago someone told me to focus on me. To look...
There is a season for what we have done and what we are doing. Yet that season may change at any moment, and we must choose to adapt or to die. My fear is that far too many churches are choosing to die. Or they are scouring the landscape to copy what other churches are doing ...