How many Congressmen can a cost-cutter chuck?(size of the House of Representatives)Leiter, Lisa
men have been documented in the scientific literature to retain their fertility to as old an age as 94.20 It is well known that the Senior Senator in the US. Congress, Senator Strom Thurman, fathered a child at age 81 years. Similarly ...
But since there are so many opportunities to get elected to office, why do so many people insist on starting for the first time at the highest levels, like state legislature or Congress? Those (relatively) plum posts are just the tip of the elective iceberg an...
Reminder:In the past two presidential elections, only once has a state voted for presidential and Senate candidates from different parties: Maine in 2020. Nov 2024 Mike Johnson asks House colleagues to back him for another term There are still too many races u...
It gave the VOte to many WOrkingmen in the towns and cities. The COUntry franchise WaS not SUbStantially changed, but Some new SeatS Were Created by taking One member fh)m existing borough constituencies. The industrial bourgeoisie WaS POHtiCany strengthened. MemberS Of UPPer IayerS Of the ...
But they are doing this — and with the support of many men who recognize the justice of their claims." In Paragraph 5: "If I had a child today, I would send her or him to a private school for the sake of safety, for the discipline that would be enforced and for the rigorous ...
into their marriage, and arrive together to their old age. While many attributed the song and its video to theapproval of Referendum 74in Washington State in November 2012, Augustavo said in an interview withIMVDBthat neither he — nor Macklemo...
Healthcare affordability is a challenge for many. I've accepted the fact I must pay over $20,000 a year for health insurance premiums for a family of four. I understand that Obamacare was constructed so that those who are not poor can help subsidize those who are poor so they can get...
There are many terminologies, such as good social relations, security, access to adequate income, family assets, and healthy food. Urban agricultural spaces and practices can bring enormous sociocultural benefits. Ilieva et al. found that, contrary to the traditional notion that “urban agriculture ...
The government’s UFO report has landed: It concludes that strange aircraft have been haunting U.S. warships for years, marking a new era for “unidentified aerial phenomena.”