Cooking mushrooms (or whatever you are pickling) in vinegar increases their acidity. Acidity is measured on the pH (an abbreviation for “potential of hydrogen”) scale, with a pH of 7 being neutral – neither alkaline or acidic – such as pure water. As the pH of a liquid gets lower, ...
Measure the tray such that you can have an evenly-spaced grid of plants that are 15 cm apart from each other. Never place a number of net pots that make it impossible for the 15 cm spacing; having too many plants too close to each other can make it difficult for them to get enough ...
Probably my absolute favourite – among so many good dishes – was a new discovery, a dish called lawar (pictured at the very top). Komang told us his version was made with pork (“but only the skin”), coconut and spices. His was a red colour that I initially thought must be from...
Don’t worry, there aren’t many of these. The most important rule is to match the number of seed potatoes to the size of container you are growing them in. As a rough guide each potato plant needs about 10 litres, that’s just over 2.5 US gallons, to grow into. Cramming your pota...
Taro is a hearty plant that doesn’t require too much care. It can be grown in a multitude of places, indoors or outdoors. Being able to harvest taro to use in your cooking is wonderful, along with the many health benefits. Growing Rockmelons (Cantaloupes) in Australia ...
Learn how to make the best sate Padang at home. The thick super aromatic gravy is the star of this popular sate that originated in Padang, West Sumatra. MY OTHER RECIPES There are many different kinds of sate/satay from different regions in Indonesia alone. One of my favorites is Sate Pad...
Taste-wise it’s a similar to sherry, although it has a more bitter, stronger flavour. Some supermarkets stock Chinese cooking wine and it’s also available from Chinese grocers. You can buy Chinese rice wine in many grades and a brand at the cheaper end of the scale is fine for this ...
many people go to some expensive French cosmetics shop to buy sea salt from the Mediterranean and lie in that for an hour in the bath tub. Our bodies are made up of 85% water, and salty water at that - just taste your tears the next time you cry. So I’m sure the salt is good...
Ingredients: 0.5kg sugar per 1 litre water. You can use more sugar but 0.5kg is enough. Put water and sugar in a pot and bring them to boil Keep them at high temperature and stir the mix so that the sugar at the bottom does not get burnt ...
–After the mead is transferred into the carboy, fill it up with the heated honey-water, almost to the very top, but leave a few cm or an inch for the airlock. –Add the airlock – filled with water up to the line so air doesn’t get in – push it in gently or it will get ...