How many cm is 5'8? 172.72 cm 172.72 cmCopy1.727 mCopy Five feet eight inches (5'8") is equal to172.72 cm. This is because there are 30.48 cm in one foot. Let's take a look at some facts and statistics about this height......
The Hurley Girlies; Liz Hurley Is Famous for Her 5ft 8in, 120lb Figure. but How Do the Women Who Share Her Proportions Keep Themselves in Shape?Daily Mail (London)
How many cm is 5'7? 170.18 cm 170.18 cmCopy1.702 mCopy Five feet seven inches (5'7") is equal to170.18 cm. This is because there are 30.48 cm in one foot. Let's take a look at some facts and statistics about this height......
You are 1.57 meters tall and have a shadow that is 10 meters long. A nearby statue has a shadow the measures 100 meters long. What is the height of the statue in meters? H(t) = -80t^2 + 340t - 260 (in feet). How many seconds will pass before the ball hits the ground?
夜寂静、寒声碎。真珠帘卷玉楼空,天淡银河垂地。年年今夜,月华如练,长是人千里。 愁肠已断无由醉。酒未到、先成泪。残灯明灭枕头欹②,谙尽孤眠滋味。都来③此事,眉间心上,无计相回避。 【注】 ①香砌:指花坛。②欹:倾斜。③都来:算来。 小题1:本词下阕以“愁”为核心,请分析词人在下阕中...
Everybodyhas a lot of fun. But Liu Yun isn’t here. She has a cold. She is at home. Theclassmates are going to visit her after party. They spanpare many gifts fot her.And they will take a picture together. 【要领点评】...
1.Where is his uncle? 2.What’s the boy’s hope? 3.What does Jim’s father do? 4.When was the man born? 5.What sport does the boy like? 6.Why can’t they go to see the play on Sunday? A.Because it will be snowy.B.Because it will be rainy.C.Because it will ...
Even if a woman trains for 100 years without getting old in the process, she won’t be able to match the levels of strength and size presented by males who lift. This also explains why female bodybuilders are bigger than many natural males. Women who bodybuild are often on gear (hormon...
Five foot elevan is spot on. He is not over 6 feet, as much as he would like. 30th Michelle Obama Michelle is about 5' 11 1/2" in flat feet and the media plays down her height, cause being too tall as the First lady does not look good for many reasons. Her face is not ...