How many inches is 5 ft?Converting Units of Length:The abbreviation 'ft.' stands for 'feet,' which is a standard unit used to measure length. Length can also be measured using inches, yards, or miles.Answer and Explanation: Become a member to unlock this answer! Create your ...
Question: How many feet is 156 inches? Converting Units of Length To convert 156 inches to feet, we use math and carry out one step. Answer and Explanation: Become a member to unlock this answer!Create your account View this answer ...
4 miles is how many feet? Converting Units of Length or Distance Inches, feet, yards, and miles are commonly used units for measuring length. Because each of these units measures the same thing, you can convert, or change, from one unit to the other if you're familiar with how they co...
Find out how tall someone of 5 feet 5 inches is in centimeters/centimetres using our conversion chart
5 meters equals how many centimeters? 1 meter is how many centimeters? What is 1 meter and 75 centimeter in metric figures? How many centimeters in a kilometer? If 2.54 cm = 1 in, how many inches are in 1 meter? (a) 36 in (b) 39.4 in (c) 30 in (d) 91.44 in ...
Method 1 – Using the CONVERT Function to Convert Cm to Feet and Inches 1.1 Cm to Feet Steps: Go toD5and enter the following formula: =CONVERT(C5,"cm","ft") Excel will display thelist of units. Choose Feet or enter it manually. ...
1 inch = 2.54 cm so 66 inches = 167.64 cm. Wiki User ∙13yago This answer is: Add your answer: Earn +20pts Q:How many centimeters in a 66 inch? Write your answer... Submit Still have questions? Find more answersAsk your question...
Cm to inches converter is provided here to convert cm to inches value. Click here to learn how to convert cm to inches in a fraction of seconds at BYJU'S.
height 6.5 inches, width (top of bowl) 6.5 inches, width(bottom of bowl) 4 inches, mr manon March 11, 2019: What type of M&M did the formula work with? Lisaon December 11, 2018: how many M&MS would fit in a jar 9 1/2 CM top, 10 1/3rd length and 11CM Bottom ...
1 cm = 10000 micrometers 1 cm = 0.393701 inch what is a foot? a foot is a non-si unit of distance or length. it measures approximately a third of a metre. the plural of foot is feet. 1 foot = 12 inches 1 foot = 304.8 millimeters 1 foot = 0.3048 meter 1 foot = 0.0003048 ...