Aziz, Jean
Our patients have clearly expressed their need of the traditional human values in a physician and this is not surprising coming from an oriental background where religious values predominate whether Christians or Muslims. Interestingly, the communicator role came out second in the patients’ ...
Many Army officers benefitted from overseeing the camps, not otherwise having the opportunity to supervise large groups of personnel in the period between the world wars. Also in 1933, Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany. [Pictured: Members of the Civilian Conservation Corps in the Pacific ...
Around the same time, Christians were also raising the ire of their Roman overlords. Empowered by the story of Jesus' martyrdom, thousands of followers refused to renounce their faith. Instead, they gave themselves up to execution. According to their beliefs, they achieved immortality in the af...
I think our respected Brother Akbar seems to be unaware that there is large community of Christians in the Areas of historic Shaam (that is Lebanon, Palestine,Syria, Jordan) going back 2000 years. And there are very significant communities of Druez, Alawite, and Nusayri. And there was a ...
The Lebanon Crisis broke out in 1958, caused by the threat of civil war between Maronite Christians and Muslims. U.S. Marines helped diffuse the situation as part of Operation Blue Bat, to help strengthen the pro-Western government under President Camille Chamoun and protect it from Syrian an...
From those last lines, we can assume Jeffers was not a Christian. But his message is something Christians can understand: that Christian—or liberal—compassion can easily be misdirected and go where it should not go. Compassion, like any other passion, must not be our master. It was Jesus...
The Israeli Government Has Very Few Options When Arrest Warrants Are Issued Internationally Against Soldiers Who Served in Gaza and Lebanon – but It Isn't Even Deploying Those at the Moment
The Lebanon Crisis broke out in 1958, caused by the threat of civil war between Maronite Christians and Muslims. U.S. Marines helped diffuse the situation as part of Operation Blue Bat, to help strengthen the pro-Western government under President Camille Chamoun and protect it from Syrian an...
TheLebanon Crisisbroke out in 1958, caused by the threat of civil war between Maronite Christians and Muslims. U.S. Marines helped diffuse the situation as part ofOperation Blue Bat,to help strengthen the pro-Western government under President Camille Chamoun and protect it from Syrian and Egyp...