Krusty decides to do what he never did when he was thirteen years old - have a Bar Mitzvah. 'Tis the Fifteenth Season (2003) After spending all his money on an expensive gift for himself, and the family thinking he should be less of an egoist, Homer decides to change his ways. Marg...
4For in seven more days I shall rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I shall wipe out all the substance that I have made upon the face of the earth.” 5And Noah did according to all that Yahweh had commanded him. ...
while he or she is far from it. We know that Paul was Zealous for God, and in his Zealousness did some of the most unsavory things that he later regretted. You might have some similar examples in your life, I sure have some in my life. Paul...
Look at how great a love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children. And we are! The reason the world does not know us is...
Then there are the randoms: Someone who has taken a fancy to you, someone who you may have exchanged a few words with and gone merrily on your way, leaving them thinking that your interaction meant far more than it actually did. These are the obsessives. The last variety is the predator...
Is ''East of Eden'' an allegory of Cain and Abel? How did Lazarus die in "The Most Dangerous Game"? Is East of Eden a classic? How are Adam and Eve described in Paradise Lost? Did Charles from East of Eden have epilepsy fits?
Remember, the term “antihero” is a fairly modern label. However, it can be retrospectively applied to many characters from ancient works who display the common traits of an antihero. Antihero Examples from the Bible Several characters in the Bible show characteristics of antiheroes. They are of...
howmanytimes How m any t imes?A s ermon b y B ob M endelsohn Given a t Y om K ippur 5772 9 O ctober 2011 Sydney A ustralia I NTRODUCTION We’ve b een h ere b efore, h aven’t w e? W e’ve b een together ...
You have the ability to exercise control over your thoughts. God warned Cain to focus his mind on the right things, but Cain chose to think about the wrong things - anger and jealousy - which led to his murderous actions.Are you willing to admit that you can, with God's help, regain...
How did Enoch ascend to heaven? The Christian Bible, in the Old Testament, records that both the prophet Elijah and the patriarch Enoch were bodily assumedinto Heaven on a chariot of fire. Jesus is considered by the vast majority of Christians to have died before being resurrected and ascendin...