How many chapters are in the New Testament of the Bible? The New Testament contains how many books? How many high priests are mentioned in the Old Testament? How many prophecies were fulfilled in the New Testament? How many prophecies are fulfilled in the New Testament?
How is Jesus presented in the New Testament? What does the New Testament say about the Old Testament? Who is the New Testament about? What is Hellenization in the New Testament? What is the New Testament based on? How many chapters are in the New Testament of the Bible?
So I ended up reading chapters 37-50 in three days. As compelling as the final chapters of Genesis are, I’m even more overwhelmed by Genesis 1. In my opinion, this is one of most amazing chapters in the Bible. I love to read the Bible because I want to learn about God. Lately,...
Isaiah said, “My word shall not return unto me void, but shall accomplish that where it is sent.” We know now, that words and thoughts are a tremendous vibratory force, ever moulding man’s body and affairs. A woman came to me in great distress and said she was to be sued on the...
In Isaiah’s time, the people turned tofalse prophetswho, like many today, merely told them what they wanted to hear, despite what was true or what God had already declared. God warned them that all their false prophets, all the strong nations they relied on, and all the wisdom of man...
The Corinthian church was known for its divisions and pride, as seen in earlier chapters, and Paul challenges their perception of spiritual sufficiency. Already you have become rich.This statement continues the ironic tone, as Paul contrasts the Corinthians' perceived spiritual richness with their ...
Isaiah 55 & 56: Spending Wages for What Does Not Satisfy These have to be two of the most glorious chapters in the Old Testament! We see that God’s offer ofsalvationis for all who come to Him, believe, and accept His gracious free gift. Ethnicity and race don’t matter, physical co...
How many are Your works, O LORD! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures.Isaiah 55:8-9“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. / “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are ...
In these chapters, we see a call to address the pollution in our lives. Whether it’s idolatry, negative influences, or unwholesome speech, God invites us to turn away from sin and seek His purity. Conclusion: Embracing God’s Mercy God’s judgment serves as a warning but also as an op...
I’ve been thrust into some real introspection recently. It’s been said that though we have been saved by grace, we can’t just live by grace. There are too many imperatives in the Bible. So, we need to live by “grace, BUT…., here is what we have today DO to live the Christ...