Astrophotographer Jeff Berkes captured this shot of Leonid meteors over a house in New Jersey in 2012.(Image credit:Jeff Berkes) Meteor showersare named after the constellation from which the meteors appear to emanate, known as the radiant. From Earth's perspective, the Leonids appear to orig...
Don't look directly at Orion to find meteors, as the shooting stars will be visible throughout the sky. Make sure to move your gaze around the nearbyconstellationsas meteors closer to the radiant have shorter trains (glowing trails of debris) and are more difficult to spot. If you only lo...
this is known as the radiant. According to NASA, the Perseids' radiant is in thePerseus constellation. Though Perseus isn't the easiest to find, it conveniently follows the brighter and more distinctive constellationCassiopeiaacross the night sky. The meteor...