The former Real Madrid player is almost the same height as Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers (6 feet 1 inch) and Matrix actor Keanu Reeves (6 feet 1 inch) (6ft 2in). Ronaldo is 17 centimeters higher than Lionel Messi, his longtime opponent, and stands at 1.7 meters (5 feet ...
Now tree is 4 times original height. How many year ago was tree planted? Propotionality: Identifying a proportionality between two variables x and y means identifying the constant ratio a such that : y=a×x. In problem solving, one ...
Give your height in meters and centimeters. Given b=4 \ ft,c=6 \ ft, and B=36^o, what is the measurement of A to the nearest degree? A clock has a minute hand that is 2.1 feet long. How many feet does the tip move between 9:48 am and 10:37 am? Convert 32 meters to ...
Alotofthingsarethesamein theUnitedStatesandCanada. Butmanythingsaredifferent. 34 Onedifferenceisthesystempeople usetomeasurethings.Canadauses 6ft themetricsystemtomeasure things.TheUnitedStatesusesthe 5ft Englishsystem. 4ft length 3ft weighttemperature2ft ...
(Height in centimeters – 100) = Max Body Weight in Kg When Ripped The only downside of this equation is that the Max Body Weight is given “when ripped” (i.e. 5-6% body fat, or shredded with no visible fat). I prefer using LBM, from which you can simply add on whatever amount...
Lift the tree by its trunk and place it in the middle of the hole, standing straight up. In ideal soil conditions, the top of the root ball should be either level with or just a few inches/centimeters above the surrounding ground level. If this is the case, move on. If the soil ...
The ratio of the lengths of strings that play the notes D and B (on a guitar), is 27 to 16. If a string 64 cm long plays B, what is the length of the string that plays a D? How many 34-centimeter cubes do you need to create a cube wi...
Give your height in meters and centimeters. Is one-tenth of a foot a common unit of measurement? Convert to arc degrees: r = 10' 6 " (10 feet and 6 inches ) r = 9 ' (9 feet) One foot is equivalent to approximately 0.3048 meters. If a building is 65-feet long, what is the ...
Answer to: In a garden, a birdbath 2ft 6 in. tall casts an 18-in. shadow at the same time an oak tree casts a 90-ft shadow. How tall is the oak...
Answer to: A 195 cm person casts a 2.1 m shadow in the light of a street lamp. If the person is standing 4.2 m from the light, how tall is the...