Re: 100cc = how many mL? by Sam. » Aug 8th 09 8:19 pm Google is great for conversions. Just go to the homepage and type "### mL/cc/ft/in/miles/liters/etc. to mL/cc/ft/etc." and it will convert ANYTHING for you.pedantic...
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Analysis of SE enterprises in Extremadura’s perception of communication and dissemination practices in the CE highlights the need to incorporate environmental accounting as a tool for control and registration of the sustainable activities carried out by the company, which is useful in addition to evalu...
Abstract Wildfire is a major driver of nitrogen (N) cycling and export from terrestrial to aquatic systems. While fire is a natural process in many watersheds, it can still degrade water quality by rapidly flushing N to streams. This can be particularly problematic in watersheds that experience...
Fungi have been companions of mankind for millennia. Mushrooms inspired our eating culture, and yeasts and filamentous fungi were developed into highly efficient cell factories during the last 100 years to produce many products utilized in different indu
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More than two decades ago, a group of peptides, now known as cell-penetrating peptides, sparked the hope that the ultimate carrier molecules have been found. The high expectations for these peptides, which are reflected in their bold name, led to many di
Given the benefits, it is surprising that many academic departments do not provide mentorship programs for faculty (Riffle et al. 2013; Zellers et al. 2008). Soc. Sci. 2018, 7, 71 5 of 25 Faculty mentoring appears to be important for both women and men (Boice 1993; Riffle et al. ...
However, this number may be even higher because many isolates were assigned up to the genus level. Table 2. Sequence identity (%) of endophytic leaf fungi from Cerrado woody species compared with other sequences from the GenBank using BLAST analysis. Isolates with an identity percentage below ...