How many Catholics were killed in the Holocaust? How many died in the Irish genocide? How many people were evacuated from Chernobyl? How many people died during the 1917 East St. Louis riots? How many people died in the Revolutions of 1848?
My wife and I had more than a half dozen frozen embryos at one point in time. Can I claim those on my tax returns? Refrigeration costs are considerably cheaper than raising a child. I think the current Supreme Court would be fine with a special ad hoc committee composed of Catholics and...
the most famous banking family of all time, once they sit their own on the throne of St. Peter, then they can really make some changes. And I am also given to understand that the Fuggers of Germany, themselves devout Catholics, but on the other side of the...
making it almost impossible for her to have tied her hands around her back. Her husband at this time would tie her bra in the morning to give an example of the level of incapacity. And also despite the fact that a very similar occurrence happened in 2006,...
COCKETT: In our age of identity politics, people have begun to sort of use a cookie-cutter view of Vienna, saying, “Ah, well, let’s study the Catholics, the Jews, the women, the Bohemians, the etc.” But the Viennese themselves, the people I write about, viewed themselves as Vienne...
(a Dutch tradition).A variety of non-Catholic Christians acknowledge and celebrate St. Nicholas Day, including Lutherans, Methodists, and Anglicans.Catholics, of course, observe his feast day during Mass, which many traditional fans of this Advent custom will attend in addition to dressing up ...
However, people rarely drink that much, that fast. Those who do are probably engaging in many other reckless behaviors, too, that will kill them long before the alcohol does. The big question is, what about the millions of people who do not drink themselves into oblivion, but just into a...
” If “we assess that the Taliban is honoring the terms of the deal,” including “progress on the political front between the Taliban and the current Afghan government,” the U.S. will “reduce our presence toward a goal of zero in 2021.” But Mr. Esper made clear that the American...
The thought of facing more pain, unless you move forward, will drive you to act and stay out of your comfort zone. The Russians supported Putin, for example, because they didn’t care about the war with Ukraine. But when their president ordered their children to fight in the war, they ...
inSometimesdifficulttocountbecausecensusformin someplaces,suchasUkraineandUSA(fordifferentsomeplaces,suchasUkraineandUSA(fordifferent reasons),havenotordonotrecognizethisnationalityreasons),havenotordonotrecognizethisnationality Manyarealsointermarried,primarilywithothersfromManyarealsointermarried,primarilywithothers...