How A Beloved Priest Became An Accused Meth DealerRebecca BairdRemba
During his years battling the Catholic Church to get it to stop protecting predatory priests, Clohessy said he learned one lesson well: “Secrecy is the enemy.” He said he sees that enemy at work today when it comes to abusive doctors. ...
Many of us have discovered the powerful tool of working within to attain harmony with our spirit. When you carry through with a commitment to work with your spirit in a positively prescribed manner, you’re promoting pivotal change at the spiritual level. As the benefits of this change filter...
The slang warmer Bruder, therefore, could have its origin in sexuality on the part of male members of the Catholic Church that was extended to all homosexual men by the mere fact of being so. For this reason, we prefer to translate warmer Bruder as a warm priest. Variations: Webe (...
Firstly, many Catholic writers speak of papal condemnations of Anti-Semitism without explaining the meaning of the term and never even allude to the documents which insist on the rights of Our Divine Lord, Head of the Mystical Body, Priest and King. Thus, very many are completely ignorant of...
What was Jesus talking about? Jesus was trying to give himself up to them? I was going to have none of this! So with a shout, I pulled my sword from my side, and swung it in an overhand chop as hard as I could at the head of the High Priest’s servant. His name was Malchus...
Finally arriving in theaters in August after first debuting on the festival circuit in 2022, the French-language psychological thriller follows Marie (Babetida Sadjo), a Guinean refugee working at a chef at a retirement home in a small mountain town in France. When a new Catholic priest arri...
Or, Donations May Sent To: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856. Many Thanks To Those Who Do Contribute! Much Love In Christ, +Brother Nathanael ——– Will You Then Please Consider and Pray About Helping Me Out Dear Real Zionist News Family Members & All Readers...
The Catholic Church had a long-standing policy of incorporating non-Christian traditions into its holidays in order to bring people into the Catholic faith. This included moving the dates of Christian holidays to those of established non-Christian occasions. Many historians believe, for example, that...
Our Judicial Vicar flat out told us that “credible” means the priest had the mere opportunity. As loose a connection as “the accused priest was assigned to the accuser’s parish at the time the alleged abuse occurred.” That’s it. They will throw priests under the bus at the drop ...