– back to my mussel soup. Inspired by Annie’s soup, Tim’s commitment and Jared’s recipe (as well as the quite magnificent lobster-topped soup tureen I was given by Annie and my lovely in-laws L&B for my birthday – thanks guys!), I adapted the crab bisque to come up with an ...
Grains have a long post-cooking shelf life, but you shouldn't wait until they become old to get a move on. In the case of rice, there are many ways to turn your leftovers into tomorrow's side dish or main entree. As arguably the most prominent foodstuff in the world, cuisines across...
In the summer just gone I was introduced to an incredibly good shredded cabbage and Parmesan salad by Caro (she of the roasted cherry chutney and many other goodies on this blog), which I will tell you more about some other time. But this not being salady weather, this week I adapted ...
person who could benefit from saunas and cold plunges the most, how to "find your glutes," Chris asks how many weeks it would take to get him looking like Brad Pitt with his shirt off, the actual nutritional benefits of Erewhon smoothies, and he makes a case for the return of carbs....
Use add-ins anytime you feel like taking an extra few seconds. A cup of pinto or red beans works great in chili mac, for example. Chopped peppers also work well in many varieties, as do all sorts of other vegetables. As a rule of thumb, use one cup for your add-in (if using mu...
Our 25 m/o loves to pull himself into a strong seated position while on a lap or in his bouncer, but cannot necessarily maintain it without being a little wobbly and certainly can no get into a seated position on his own yet (although he is crab crawling backwards). Is this close ...
Watching your carbs? Even broccoli cheese soup is low in carbohydrates. And in almost any recipe, broccoli will gladly welcome whatever spice you choose. 5 Pair Brussels sprouts with rosemary, parsley, caraway, nutmeg, oregano, or marjoram. Brussels sprouts certainly get a bad rap, but prepared...