“To really do the good work, the deep work, the necessary work that so many people need to do to address their depression, addiction or trauma, it takes a well-nourished mind,” says Ramsey, who wrote the book "Eat to Beat Depression and Anxiety." Foods and Beverages for Mental Health...
Taking homeopathic remedies to treat endometriosis naturally has shown long-lasting results for many women. Take a 30C potency twice daily for two weeks to see if there are positive results. Once results have been achieved, you can stop taking the homeopathics if/when symptoms return. Arnica mo...
Green tea extract, rich in antioxidants, can help decrease oil production and inflammation when applied topically or consumed as a beverage. Additionally, burdock root and dandelion are often used in herbal supplements to detoxify the body and improve skin health. Lifestyle Modifications: Simple life...
If you want to go slow and steady, then eating a healthier diet and taking liver-supportive herbs likemilk thistleanddandelion rootmay be the route for you. Have you ever done a liver cleanse? How did it turn out? For more articles on liver support, look below: ...
If there’s leaky gut present, it can complicate the symptoms of yeast infection … many of the symptoms overlap. But yeast infection has a few key signs you’ll want to look for: Yeast Infection In Dogs: Symptoms There are a few telltale signs that will help you figure out whether you...
Carbs: Less than 50 grams per day. No fruit, starches, or sugars. Protein and Fat: As much as you want in 3 meals Water: 1 gallon Salt: None WEDNESDAY Carbs: Less than 50 grams per day. No fruit, starches, or sugars. Protein and Fat: As much as you want in 3 meals ...
You may have noticed that in my Intermediate and Advanced strategies above I recommend fasting from carbs and protein. During these times I recommend drinking plenty of fluids like water, organic broth, cleansing teas, and pure organic vegetable juices with no sugar. ...
The first way to know that you are actually about to start burning fat deposits in your body is hunger. To feel a little hungry when you first begin a weight loss diet is good! It means that your body can't find enough sugars or carbs to keep going. Hunger is the signal that your...
Beans and legumes– These are high in starches, carbs, and other things hard for the gut to digest, especially for those with candida issues.The GAPS dietallows only green beans and fermented navy beans,while AIP recommendsno beans at all. And peanuts are technically a legume, so they’re...