Auras, Buffs and Debuffs If you now go to the General tab in the S’rendarr addon and choose Unlock, it will unlock all the windows of the addon so that you can place them on your screen wherever you want. As you will notice, they are all over the place and you can’t see what...
A Werewolf in ESO is a powerful creature, yet you don’t see many of them, why? With the right build and setup, Werewolves can be both very powerful in PvP and PvE due to their brute force and strength. However, being that dangerous and usually bigger than most enemies, players will ...
There are also both major and minor buffs. For example having flawless dawnbreaker morph of fighters guild skill line ultimate equipped gives you minor brutality which increases your weapon damage by 8%. You can have any buffs up and should try to have as many relevant buffs up as you can....
InFinal Fantasy XIV, resurrection spells don’t go on cooldown and can be cast as many times in combat as mana pools will allow. Healing classes all receive some version of the “Raise” spell, but the cast time is lengthy and could potentially risk more casualties if too much time is ...
wvw player it would be one of the best moneymaker in the game for you, it was like that in eso atleast. (doesnt have to be the best moneymaker but it worked really well in ESO because it pulled SO MANY players and actually made them want to get better in pvp to make more gold/...
many things get/got removed just because some ppl don´t like it, for me that´s sad. for example my first time in pvp when I saw a DK leaping into a keep I thought "how cool´s that!". Could have been the signature move, same with chaining careless people off ...
Trait:Add a variety of buffs to your gear using gems. This includes improving physical and special resistance with Turquoise, increasing XP gain with Carnelian, and many others. Deconstruct After playingESOfor a few days, your inventory will likely be bogged down by hundreds of unwanted items. ...
Becoming a Vampire in Elder Scrolls Online is a goal for many players. Even if they don't fully understand the benefits of vampires, it's still an exciting
The Final Masterpiece is a handgun in The First Descendant. An artistic firearm that provides many buffs to the user befitting the masterpiece that it is. Like other works of art, it can provide unexpected joy to the user. Name: The Final Masterpiece Weapon Type: Ultimate Handgun Special ...
See how easy it is to admit something, I cheated in 2 BGs by using Hrothgar. Obviously I don't believe everyone who used Hrothgar should be banned and I don't play ESO any more so don't care but glad they fixed it. But there are many, many other exploits and cheats that they ...