This causes what's known as capillary stress within the pores of the gel, causing the entire structure to collapse [source: Hunt and Ayers, History]. Aerogels in Space This dust collector for the spacecraft STARDUST was outfitted with 260 aerogel panels. NASA/JPL-Caltech Aerogel's ...
A tractor-trailer with an over-height load struck multiple overhead braces on the Skagit River bridge, causing it to collapse. Photo: NTSB Recommendations on how to help prevent vertical-clearance “bridge hits,” like the one that caused theSkagit River Bridge collapsein Washington State back i...
A tunnel is technically a passage dug entirely underground. Many of the subterranean tubes that we consider tunnels -- subways, sewage and water lines -- are technicallyconduitsbecause they involve temporarily removing overlying materials. Tunnels are dangerous, tedious and expensive to build, so when...
Over the years, perspectives on China have run the gamut from predicting “the coming collapse of China” to expecting that “the twenty-first century will be the Chinese Century.” And we’ve heard every perspective in between. Despite its many ups and downs, the Chinese economy has grown ...
It can, however, be neglected and left unmaintained and collapse if not overnight quickly enough. There is a lot of ruin in a nation, yes, but 30 years ago there was a lot of ruination in California. Enough that it still elected fairly centrist Republicans (ie, not celebrities but actua...
With the increasing weight ofcargo ships, the most cost-effective design strategy to prevent collapse of bridges due to vessel collision may well be to protect the bridge piers from the impact. This is done by building a bridge collision protective system, which is often a concrete or rock st...
As with time, you cannot manage change per se, you can only control your actions in relation to change. Your actions will undoubtedly solicit a response and your actions will be interpreted in ways that you cannot with certainty predict in advance. Many change management tools and frameworks se...
You benefit from having a dedicated web developer on the team while you need them most, and they benefit from guaranteed pay for the duration of the project. In many cases, it’s a win-win agreement! Step 3: Figure Out Web Dev Costs & Define Your Budget ...
Which is a morbid way of saying that bridges are generally very safe structures, with the chances of a fatality from a collapse anywhere in the world at one in one hundred million per year. But as impressive as modern engineering has become, it's not a perfect science. The collapse of ...
t think many of the sell-side analysts writing about China have yet understood the connection between European capital exports and China’s adjustment process. In a year or two I suspect we will all get it, but for now I would keep a very wary eye on the incompatible needs of the ...