36” x 30” is appropriate for breeds at 50–60 pounds, such as the Australian Cattle Dog. 36” x 36” is appropriate for breeds at 60–80 pounds, such as the Dalmatian or Old English Sheepdog. Large: 42” x 30” or 42” x 36” Large crates are appropriate for large dog breeds ...
How now, beef cow? (virtues of various beef cattle breeds)(part 1)Hays, Sandy Miller
After all, some of the most technologically sophisticated projects in the world, be theyorbiting astrophysical observatories, nuclear weapons, orparticle colliders, are operated by U.S. federal agencies. While there have been high-profile setbacks and delays in many of these projects—theWebb space...
The Pekingese is one of several breeds created for the ruling classes of ancient China. These are sophisticated, loyal, compact, stocky toy dogs that weigh up to 14 pounds. The coat is longest at the neck and shoulders, giving the breed its famous lion's mane. They are also charming, co...
Here I explain extending your gardening into the colder months. Depending on where you live and how cold it gets, there are possibly many cold-season crops you can grow. Remember, food-producing plants will need a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Choose a sunny spot to plan...
To Barbara Gardiner Whitacre, who raises five breeds of chickens in upstate New York, a leading criterion is egg color—the deep chocolate-brown eggs of her Welsummers, the jade green of the Ameraucana, the speckled olive of Ameraucana hens after a Welsummer rooster got loose and created an...
world. Created by a team led by embryologist Dr. Ian Wilmut, Dolly was thefirst mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. There had been prior efforts to clone animals, mainly cattle, pigs, and frogs (which actuallyworked), but there never had been a successful birth of a cloned mammal...
1. Eco-travel and conscientious consumptionEco hotels are opening in a range of destinations, from close-to-home locations to the Australian outback. With the proliferation of eco-friendly openings, how do you know which ones are really green? There are several organizations that make certification...
In addition, the information given by labels could raise consumers’ expectations of extraordinarily high quality. The labelling of a superior fatty acid composition or information that the cattle were raised on natural pasture or certain specialized breeds such as Aberdeen Angus beef, could create a...
Going it alone is a noble idea but for many solo ventures cooperation with others pays off. Cooperatives are a unique legal business form that facilitates people coming together to tackle challenges that are overwhelming or impossible for the individual. Kim Coontz is the Executive Director of the...