The four family members are gathered around a table filled with various store-bought foods. KI-TEK What a special occasion. The four of us gathered here to celebrate the partial reactivation of our phones as well as our son’s upcoming job interview with a national franchise. Ki-Tek tr...
Use your ounce calculation from earlier to help you decide how many bottles you need. Where to store it The two best places to store your batched cocktails are the fridge or the freezer, mostly because a cold drink is a better drink, but also because juices, and other ingredients that...
Pills and whiskey together? Just say no. KatarzynaBialasiewicz/iStock/Thinkstock If you've ever taken prescription painkillers, antidepressants or certain antibiotics, chances are you've seen that familiar warning label: "Do Not Drink Alcoholic Beverages When Taking This Medication." Many over-...
Several of the solo pieces are notable in their promise and delivery: often improvised, always on time. There’s bandleader Charlie on sax, always encouraging, engaging, jaw-dropping on occasion in his fluency and verve, a worthy leader. The two-minute segment when he and Michael (violin) ...
This weekend we visited four different libraries and the library with the best Halloween decorations was Waverley Library!! ️🦇🎃🐈⬛ Otto had his very first Judo grading!! He's so proud of his new belt Otto trying out some more paper
You might also see bottles labeled as "Genever Gin," "Geneva" or "Hollands Gin." This style of gin isn't really gin at all, but a precursor of gin that's distilled from a whiskey-like "malt wine" instead of a neutral spirit. Genever is often darker in color and more malty in fla...
Thousands of others have died, too. In a sport that basically invented the phrase “inherent risk,” death is so common that it can begin to seem banal. Yet for all the stories about lives lost to climbing, there are many, many more lives that have been saved by climbs. ...
Boxed wines have shorter shelf lives than bottles due to the high rate of oxygen exchange in the boxed bags. If a bottled wine is fresh off the shelf and still tastes oxidized, the problem probably started with the producer. In the case of Sherry, vin jaune and some white wines, those ...
Seeing the Chinese poets as his dear friends,Porter once traveled across China to visit their birthplaces and graves.He brought bottles of whiskey with him,for he knew many of the poets were drinkers. Porter said people in his country are becoming more interested in the Ch...
Don’t worry, the song closes with a nearly two-minute guitar solo — or, in this case, it’s a guitar duo. No. 7: "One Too Many" feat. Pink Hubert Vestil/Christian Petersen, Getty Images No. 7: "One Too Many" feat. Pink Urban and Pink take on the roles of a couple who ...