Which one of the following groups of structures// organs have similar... 05:37 Earthworms have how many segments 03:12 Specialised respiratory organs are absent in or in ehich of the follow... 04:02 Blood of Earthworm is red because its haemoglobin is 02:23 Earthworm found in india is ...
Its body is divided intothree segments: head, thorax and abdomen. Cockroaches have a long pair of antennae that help them to pick up smells and vibrations. How many segments does a cockroach have? Although cockroaches actually have up to20 segments, homologous with the segments of earthworms, ...
Try to identify reproductive adults: those earthworms will have awell-defined clitellum. The clitellum is usually a different colour than the earthworm's body and located close to the head of the earthworm. The clitellum is normally greyish-white, but it can also be bright orange within th...
"It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures," he concluded [source: Darwin]. Darwin was on the money; at least by sheer numbers alone, earthworms have a tremendous impact...
Pill bugs have slate-gray body segments that look like plates of armor, and they roll up into tight balls when exposed. They’re usually about ½-inch long when unrolled. How pill bugs help your garden Decomposers:Pill bugs operate in your soil like earthworms. They help decompose organic...
that includes “eyes, mouthparts, antennae, body, legs, the fore and hind sections of the digestive tract, and some respiratory surfaces. Regions of flexible, unhardened exoskeleton serve as joints between neighboring segments.” The body cavity contains the digestive, circulatory, nervous and reprod...
Earthworms are famous for their ability to regrow if they get cut in half, although this can only occur under certain conditions. The secret to a worm's regenerative powers lies in stem cells. Stem cells are like blank slates; on their own, they do not perform any specific function, but...
Earthworms are famous for their ability to regrow if they get cut in half, although this can only occur under certain conditions. The secret to a worm's regenerative powers lies in stem cells. Stem cells are like blank slates; on their own, they do not perform any specific function, but...
Detritus worms are segmented worms (known as annelid worms) that are members of the same family as earthworms and leeches. They are long, slender, and whitish-brown, similar to planaria. However, detritus worms are much thinner and smaller than planaria worms. They have a more stringy appea...
It is unclear where the meteoric iron used to make the Treasure of Villena was sourced from. In fact, archaeologists are virtually clueless about the origins of the artifacts. Whoever forged the bracelet and hilt would have to have been on the forefront of iron technology, potentially one of...