1. How many Bits make one Byte?16 bits 32 bits 64 bits 8 bitsAnswerThe correct answer is: D) 8 bitsExplanation4 bits equal to 1 nibble and 8 bits is equal to 1 byte.Learn & Test Your Skills Python MCQsJava MCQsC++ MCQsC MCQsJavaScript MCQsCSS MCQsjQuery MCQsPHP MCQsASP.Net MCQs...
How many bits in a byte?Computer Fundamental:The computer is an electronic device that consists of the hardware units and software units. The computer uses to store the data, to do calculations make decisions and to communicate with the people by sending pictures, files, resources sharing and ...
NOTE:Onekibibytecontains 1,024 bytes. Onemebibytecontains 1,024 x 1,024 or 1,048,576 bytes. Test Your Knowledge A large-scale business may also be called what? A Multiplex B Globus C Enterprise D Telemetry Byte Images 8 bits = 1 byte...
Read our guide to find out how many megabytes are in a gigabyte. Discover all there is to know about bytes, megabyes, gigabytes and much more
This is an excellent trivia question at dinner parties and the answer is 1,024MB in one gigabyte. But let’s break it down a bit further. What is a byte? A byte itself is a group of bits (ever hear the term 8-bit? Yep, that’s how many bits are in a byte). They’re the ...
Data is often expressed in bytes, which are composed of eightbinarydigits. Bytes are used to represent all sorts of data, including letters, numbers and symbols. Each byte is made up of a string ofbitsthat must be used in the larger unit for applications. ...
How Many Megabytes in A Gigabyte? Before introducing how many MB in GB, let’s explore what byte is first. What is byte? Byte is a unit of measurement used in computer information technology to measure storage capacity. In common, one byte equals eight bits (1byte=8 bits). Tip: If yo...
KB, MB, GB, and TB are the units used to represent the storage capacity in computing. The smallest unit of data is Bit and 8 bits make 1 byte. Byte further makes Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, and so on. Also read:What are Kibibytes (KiB), Mebibytes (MiB), and Gibibytes...
In computers, information is stored in the form of bits and bytes. 8 bits grouped make one Byte. Consequently, a Byte is one of the two smallest units of measurement used to measure data in computers and other such devices. Here is what you need to remember, Kilo < Mega < Giga < Ter...
You might hear an advertisement that says, "This computer has a32-bitPentium processor with 64megabytesof RAM and 2.1gigabytesof hard disk space." And many HowStuffWorks articles talk about bytes (for example,How CDs Work). In this article, we will discuss bits and bytes so that you have ...