26岁已婚⼥性,平素⽉经规律。停经49天,⾏⼈⼯流产术,术中见完整绒⽑。术后⾄今1个⽉余,阴道淋漓出⾎。妇科检查:⼦宫饱满、稍软、活动好。彩⾊B超检查宫腔线清晰,前壁肌层有局灶性丰富⾎流信号。为明确诊断,⾸选的辅助检查是( )。
There are many commonly held beliefs about eyeglasses and eyesight that are not proved to be facts. For example some people believe that wearing glasses too soon weakens the eyes. But there is nothing to show that the structure of eyes is changed by wearing glasses at a young age. Wearing...
but her journey there was a difficult one, and she lost many friends on the way. 但她在那里的工作很艰难,在这条路上她失去了很多朋友。 In this programme, we’ll be discussing climate deniers, 在本期节目中,我们将讨论否认气候变化的人, and finding out how to talk with people who doubt th...
I think as we go into the future many widely held beliefs that have been based on these problematical methods will need to be revised," said Prof. John Speakman. Follow us for updates!Research News18 科学17 媒体11 Shenzhen20 CAS18 Research...
Our sample of books was generated using online search engines that parents in the U.S. are likely to use when choosing bilingual picture books in English and Spanish for their children. Previous research has indicated that there are many different types of bilingual books (Domke 2018;Jeffers 200...
A new wave of scholarship recognizes the importance of people’s understanding of inequality that underlies their political convictions, civic values, and policy views. Much less is known, however, about the sources of people’s different beliefs. I argu
In the How to Study the Bible podcast, Nicole Unice brings life back to reading the Bible through her Alive Method of Bible study.
during an online video conferencing therapy session. The researchers found that these clients feltmore immersed in the therapeutic processand that the distance from the therapist gave them greater control and comfort. Many of these couples found this type of therapy preferable to in-person cou...
The results of thisstudyby Stanford University “highlight the critical role of beliefs about willpower in self-control performance.” The study reports: Although people induced to hold a limited resource theory and a nonlimited theory of willpower found an initial demanding task equally fatiguing...
I take many first steps but somewhere towards the middle, my confidence fizzles out and I go back into hiding. I usually tell myself that I have really good reasons for that. As for the naysayer voice . . . it’s always there. One of the strongest sabotaging beliefs of mine is the...