The true miracles and delegated power of the apostles did not require argumentation nor attack because they were self-evidently true and real. [This is false as the apostles were thrown in jail for working miracles.] The miracles (as well as their poverty and suffering) proved them to be “...
It doesn’t always feel that way when the pastor is in jail, but the Canadian pastors who suffered are merely following in the same footsteps that the Apostles walked in. And when your footsteps match the Apostles and the Prophets, you can take that as a sign that your feet are facing ...
Matthew 6:12Jesustaught us how to pray:Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.In the Bible, there were so many times talking about the point ofForgive. ToForgivemeans to gives up all claims on debtors. In Matthew 6:12,Jesustaught us to ask forgiveness from the Heav...
Emotions are a way of cueing people into what is going on in their spirit. God gave people emotions, in part because humans are made in His image, and He has emotions. God displayed emotions many times in the Bible including but not limited to: “I have loved you ...
A great many persons imagine that anything said about heaven is only a matter of speculation. They talk about heaven much as they would about the air. Now there would not have been so much in Scripture on this subject if God had wanted to leave the human race in darkness about it. "...
“For Fear Of The Jews,” the twelve disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ locked themselves in an upper room on the day of His burial fearing that they too would be crucified by the murderers of God. Today, many still, even Christians —“for fear of the Jews”— are frightened into sp...
What's Up With Speaking in Tongues? Speaking in tongues seems truly bizarre to many non-Pentecostals. Even the onlookers who witnessed the first Pentecost thought the apostles were day drunk when they spontaneously began to blabber in foreign languages. But speaking in tongues fulfills a very im...
liberty may be the civil rights issue of the next decade. And if it takes some high profile pastors going to jail, like Martin Luther King did with civil rights, I’m in. So be it. I mean, as Peter said and the apostles that we must obey God rather than men.11 (emphasis added)...
There is no substitute in all the world for living Apostles and prophets. They have keys and responsibilities to communicate the will of a living Father in Heaven. When President Spencer W. Kimball was the prophet, President Benson said,“The living prophet is more important to us than a dea...
Many of these rabbis were crude individuals with no manners whatsoever. Thus, I am not surprized that these slew of Jews, these rabbis and their Talmudic accomplices, were involved in illegal crimes. And, the fact that they use their chariities and registered “rabbinic” credentials to ...