Even still, a Redfinsurveyfrom last year found that almost half (49%) of Americans will be factoring climate change and its effects into their deciding where to move next. But as the adverse effects of climate change are yet to manifest themselves in ways that would make some of America si...
Many Americans think they're insulated from the effects of global warming. But climate change isalready havingnegative and broad impacts on household finances, according to experts. Just to give a few examples: Insurers areraising premiumsfor homeowners in many states across the country, pointing to...
Put another way, there may be an upper limit on how many humans Earth could support, but we don’t know exactly what that figure is. It varies based on how we produce, consume and manage our resources. For Cohen, if we want to affect how many people planet Earth can support, we wil...
they strategically use healthy food choices to make a positive impression. There have been many attempts to help consumers make healthier choices, but consumers often struggle to maintain a healthy diet. This research finds that one way to promote a...
In fact, 60% of Americans are concerned aboutclimate change, according to a survey by the Potential Energy Coalition. For many moms, having a child is what made them start to care about climate change in the first place. Eighty-three percent of moms are concerned about climate change and ...
the international organisation for migration's lorenzo guadagno told sky news there are many other potential risks humanity needs to prepare for, of which climate change is only one. he said: "there are other ecological dynamics: loss of biodiversity, loss of fertile so...
This is part of a much broader pattern in how Americans appear to be processing the wave of natural disasters and extreme weather events that have hit various parts of the U.S. over the summer: Democrats blame climate change, while Republicans don’t....
39.B) One survey indicated there is now less objection to paternity leave. 40.F)Compared to five years ago,according to one researcher,many more people said their organisation gave the same support to men and women taking paren...
But while there is substantial public demand for energy use that protects environmental quality, this does not translate into public support for measures to address the issue of global climate change. An important and original contribution of this book is to explain why climate change has had so ...
There is also a link between high air pollution levels and climate change. As the World Health Organization notes, "Reducing ambient and household air pollution can also reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and short-lived climate pollutants, such as black carbon particles and methane, therefo...