2. Coke is not the only "cola" drink. Pepsi Cola is a well known rival and has its devotees, for it is not as sweet as Coke. Cola drinks contain caffeine from the kola nut and are the only soft drinks which are stimulating as well as refreshing. 可口可乐不是唯一的可乐饮料。百事可...
That morning cup of coffee could be costing you more than you realize. The average 8-ounce cup of coffee contains between 80mg and 100mg of caffeine, but few Americans stop at just one cup. The more coffee you drink, as well as the type of coffee and brewing method, can all affect ...
There are many reasons people may opt for a cup of decaf coffee. Along with dry January, some might be doing a caffeine cleanse, they may want to avoid the jitters, or are just avoiding caffeine because of pregnancy or a heart condition. Or, maybe it's a late-night dessert treat and ...
which contains much lesscaffeineon a per cup basis. Or maybe you're simply a tea lover and want to find out more about your favorite drink. In this article, we'll talk about the origins of tea and the different types of tea. We'...
They also say coffee can help your body process glucose better, that those who drink one to two cups a day may ward off heart failure, and that the caffeine in coffee is linked to a lower chance of developing Parkinson's disease. For those with Parkinson's, it can help control their ...
2. Coke is notthe only "cola" drink. Pepsi Cola is a well-known rival and has its devotees,forit isnot as sweet asCoke. Coladrinks contain caffeinefromthe kola nutandarethe only soft drinkswhich arestimulating as well as refreshing. 2.可口可乐不是唯一的可乐饮料。百事可乐是它的著名竞争...
We can sense that we've had enough (or too much!) to drink, and ideally we'll slow down our consumption as a result. But when you add energy drinks to the mix, the stimulant effects of caffeine, plant-based ingredients, or sugars in the drink can mask the effect of the alcohol, ...
And remember to avoid alcohol and caffeine for a few hours before bedtime as they can interfere with the critical sleep stage known as REM, when dreaming occurs and cells are restored, Maas says. In time, your new regimen may feel as natural and predictable as the cycle of the sun. "...
Caffeine is a common choice for burning the midnight oil because it boosts alertness. So it makes sense that cutting it out makes for better ZZZs. In fact, if you throw back a caffeine drink even as many as 6 hours before bedtime, it can still bother your sleep. ...
Be mindful that while you are cutting back on sugar, you may be slashing your caffeine consumption as well since many sodas, coffee drinks, and energy drinks are loaded with caffeine. While you are quitting sugar isnotthe time to inadvertently quit caffeine as well unless you are determined ...