How many people died in WW1? World War One: World War One, also known as the Great War, began with the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand while visiting Serbia in June of 1914. Soon after, Austria declared war on Serbia. Germany, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria joined Austr...
How many Americans died in the Somali Civil War? How many Civil War battles were fought in the North? How many soldiers died in the South African Border War? How many Iraqi civilians died in the Gulf War? How many people were captured from the Ogaden War?
How many people died in the Liberators' civil war? How many people have been killed by war in world history? How many people total died in the Gulf War? How many people died in the Iran-Iraq War? How many casualties were in the Seven Years' War?
How many German soldiers died in WW1? World War I The war to end all wars, or so it was called. World War I would come to see multiple countries become involved with the conflict that would stretch across Europe. The number of resources, money, and lives spent on the war, on both ...
Between 1850 and 1890 eighty percent of the total number of Native Americans in California died due to murder and massacre, disease, starvation, and forced migration from their native lands. The destruction of the culture and lives of the people native to California and the Black Hills of ...
In England sharia courts are now officially part of the British legal system. Many neighborhoods in France are no-go areas for women without head scarves. Last week a man almost died after being beaten up by Muslims in Brussels , because he was drinking during the Ramadan. ...
ANALYSIS: The arrest of Julian Assange was actually triggered by DOJ AG William Barr telling the world that yes,Obama’s deep state operatives spied on Trump campaign officials. Now, the deep state is in a total panic, and they are pulling out all the stops to try to frame Trump and der...
I fought for this crap and saw a many of young men die. USA is BULLSHI*! You cannot fix until you admit its broke. One thing about Americans is there is no accountability. Everyone is perfect. Let the big boys run your life. They are doing a great job. Drown Happy! John Aspray ...
The German Spring Offensives were a series of battles launched by Germany in the Spring of 1918 to attempt to win total victory in the First World War before the Americans entered the war. The Spring Offensives lasted from March 21, 1918 through July 18, 1918....