Butspendingtimeplayingwiththeirfamilypetswouldn'tcountas"monkeyingaround".ManyAmericanfamilieshaveapetdog,whichkeepsthechildrencompanyandmakesthemhappy.Buforsomereason,whichAmericanlanguageexpertsdonotknow,Americansuse"dog"inaphrase thatmeanstofeelunwell.Ifyouare"assickasadog",you'rereally,reallysickandwillhaveto...
How Many Houseplants Do You Need for Good Indoor Air Quality? By: Patty Rasmussen Your houseplants might not be cleaning your home's air like you thought, but studies have proven they might be helping reduce your physical and emotional stress. Tim Robberts/Getty Images Few things enhance ...
Parrots are a popular pet in many American households. They are intelligent, attractive, and entertaining companions that can make a house come to life. But birds have some different needs than other pets. Understanding and meeting the needs of your specific breed of parrot can help them live ...
For individuals looking for an exotic animal that is relatively easy to care for and surprisingly long-lived, look no further than the box turtle. Over 4 million American households1have welcomed reptiles into their homes. While turtles are not cuddly like dogs, they can still make excellent p...
Owning a pet could have several health advantages. Darren Robb/Getty Images People love their pets. More than 60 percent of U.S. households include pets, and those pet owners pour $41 billion a year into pet care [source: APPMA]. This may seem like a lot of. But when you consider...
the animal trainer niche is expected to grow 16% by 2032.1It’s riding on the tail of the humanization of the pet industry, where people want the best for their animals. After all, 95% consider their pets as family members, with over 65 million American households having at least one dog...
and comically self-important. Although playful and energetic, their small size and sensitive nature make them a poor choice for households with roughhousing kids. They have a low threshold for loneliness and will stick close to their special human, providing their owners with years of love and ...
Watch out for roadblocks.Many households have multiple litter boxes. But they all end up on one floor of a multi-level home or in rooms down a single hallway. That means access to all boxes can be blocked if something is happening near the stairs or in the hallway. ...
About 45% of all U.S households have a dog, while about 36% of households have a cat. Approximately 23% of dogs owned and 31% of cats owned come from shelters. 34% of dogs and 3% of cats come from breeders. How To Observe National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day The best way to observe...
Households with pets had a unique experience with the COVID-19 since the lock-down protocols did not affect only the relationship they had with people but also with their pets. This paper analysed the evidence on the effect of COVID-19 on pets and pets owners. Employing the systematic ...