In a word: Heart. When Steppenwolf first arrives, Snyder shows Amazons reacting with concern and resolve across Themyscira. When he declares, “I will bathe in your fear,” Hippolyta yells, “Daughters of Themyscira, show him your fear,” to which the Amazons bellow, “We have no fear!...
We know at least one child has been born there — Diana herself — but, in fact, her birth is what makes her so special and so unusual. The short answer is that,before Diana was born, there simply were no children on Themyscira. ... Since the Amazons are supposed to be immortal, t...
there’s a shot where Darkseid pulls an arrow out of his chest where he just looks really, really cool. It’s a great-looking shot. And when Diana is walking into the temple of the Amazons and you see the