How many people died in WW1? World War One: World War One, also known as the Great War, began with the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand while visiting Serbia in June of 1914. Soon after, Austria declared war on Serbia. Germany, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria joined Austr...
How many died at the Battle of Thermopylae? How many Greeks fought in the Battle of Thermopylae? How many people died in Kosovo War? How many Allies died in the Battle of Gallipoli? How many wars did the Ottoman Empire have? How many people fought during the Peloponnesian War? How many ...
going after Syrian anti-air weapons likely to prepare the way for many more attacks on Iranian assets. This is going to result in a much bigger confrontation at some point. Israel is doing what Biden should be doing. Maybe Israel will also take out the Houthi rockets and command centers si...
In a letter to Parliament Nelson referred to the “damnable and cursed doctrine of Wilberforce and his hypocritical allies” He had an unflinching faith in the British Empire as a Christian civilising force and regarded Slavery as an economic necessity ; Cotton and Sugar being an integral part ...
“husband” as an interpreter. He brought me along on the expedition. By late July we go to my homeland and I showed them where my village used to be and where I had been captured. The two captains had wanted horses so I directed Lewis to the Shoshoni people. When we were in a ...