Well, 2008 wasn’t a game. During the economic collapse of2008/2009 80 percent of school districts experienced budget cuts.In many schools, the biggest victims of those cuts were music and arts programs, erroneously seen by many administrators as “disposable.” What does that have to ...
After four years, five albums and some lineup changes, Deep Purple finally hit their stride on 'Machine Head.' "Smoke on the Water" instantly made the Guitar Riff Hall of Fame, and the remainder of the record – especially the opening "Highway Star" – made the band one of the biggest...
Bob Dylan's early folk albums are jam-packed with so many great protest songs that it's hard to choose just one. That said, the apocalyptic tone of "A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall" gives it an element of perennial prescience in today's fragile landscape. Rumors persist (thanks in part ...
After four years, five albums and some lineup changes, Deep Purple finally hit their stride on 'Machine Head.' "Smoke on the Water" instantly made the Guitar Riff Hall of Fame, and the remainder of the record – especially the opening "Highway Star" – made the band one of the biggest...
What are the albums that you perhaps have a greater appreciation for now?You know, every time you make an album, it takes a period of time before you really get to appreciate what you’ve created. By the time you get out of the studio and you’ve mixed it and recorded it, you look...
“album”. By that, I mean that even if you don’t necessarily enjoy the music, the art of the album format is clearly represented here. I’m going to use this album as the example, but there are many other records that are regarded as well-crafted albums, so let’s list some of...
Charli Adams: To be completely honest with you, this is such a huge lesson in my life that I have not fully learned. I think when you are constantly filtering for so many different people, when you’re thinking about, “What is my family back home gonna think? Are people gonna like ...
Many had joked at the time that Dickinson and Bayley looked quite similar, but few would have ever believed that Bayley would actually replace Dickinson in just a couple of years. Bruce Dickinson Welcomes Blaze Bayley to the Stage, Iron Maiden Play "Bring Your Daughter... To the Slaughter"RE...
Asia (1982):It wasn't the prog-redux moment many might have expected with a new supergroup featuring members of Yes, Emerson Lake and Palmer and King Crimson. Instead, it was a huge pop hit. So huge, in fact, that Asia almost immediately started splitting apart. ...
us [is great]. He’s nearly 80 years old now, so that he wants to still come out and do it and meet the fans and sign all of the albums that people bring, it’s a real nice thing to do. He has his own display in the foyer of most venues and it’s great to have him ...