To provide daily estimates of first experimentation and attainment of established smoking in adolescents 11-17 years of age.The 1989 and 1993 Teenage Attitudes and Practices Surveys (TAPS) (16,954 observations) was used to estimate rates in 1991 for: (a) first experimentation (even a few puffs...
The practice of AI among FSW has been reported in many articles. However, the extent to which AI is practised by FSW and how often it is practised by age, region and over time has yet to be comprehensively described. It is particularly pertinent to examine these patterns among FSW, compare...
Nicotine dependence among adolescents in the European Union: How many and who are affected?doi:10.1093/PUBMED/FDY136F R CobanA E KunstM M Van StralenM RichterK RathmannJ PerelmanJ AlvesB FedericoA RimpelV LorantOxford University Press
Indigenous peoples around the world face significant health disparities relative to the dominant groups in their countries, yet the magnitude and patterns of health disparities vary across countries. We use data from the National Health Interview Survey and Mexican Family Life Survey to examine the hea...
2012). Furthermore, crowd wisdom has been observed in populations whose cognitive abilities are more limited than those of human adults, including young adolescents (Ioannou et al. 2018) and nonhuman animals (Ioannou 2017). Remarkably, the benefits of averaging estimates hold even when those ...
Obviously, time in nature has multiple benefits for teens. However, it’s not always easy to get children and adolescents outside, especially given the draw of technology. If you’re having trouble getting your teen out in nature, here are some approaches to try. 1. Encourage them to bring...
The underlying factor in this negative behavior is the same as it is for everyone — adolescents fear losing friendships, so they behave in a jealous manner to "protect" them, even if their behavior is actually destructive. 'Green With Envy' ...
the vast number of victims affected, but also as descriptions of the many possible shapes and forms of sexual violence. Additionally, several stories have been featured in the news and media that largely defy unambiguous labeling as either normal sex or sexual transgression. The fictional short ...
Sleep, Hunger, Satiety, Food Cravings, and Caloric Intake in Adolescents Background and Purpose: Prevalence of adolescent obesity has increased worldwide. Although diet and exercise patterns are major determinants of weight, rec... AM Landis,KP Parker,SB Dunbar - 《Journal of Nursing Scholarship》...
which are more often part of the lifestyles of adolescents, singles, and LGBTQ + -identifying people, among others, have been largely prohibited in the COVID-19 pandemic mitigation measures. This means that many adolescents and adults have had to adjust to long weeks and months without in...