How Many Acres Should a Homestead Be? Many “micro-steading” homesteaders work with as little as a ¼ or ½ acre of land (just large enough to keep a small clutch of chickens and a container garden). Above this size, there is no set rule for acreage on a homestead, but you will...
Land has increased continually in value since settlers were offered acres for almost nothing. Under the presidency of Lincoln, the Homestead Act of 1862 allowed settlers to claim 160 acres. All that was required was the payment of a small administrative fee. 270 million acres were claimed through...
Although a homestead can include many acres with a barn and a farmhouse, chickens and pigs and a milk cow, a root cellar and more, a modern homestead can be a small piece of property with or without animals. Whether or not you're a new homesteader, you might be wondering "where do I...
I didn’t know I was a homesteader until now reading this entry. Living in an apartment has its complications since there are so many regulations you have to follow. I try to make my pots and plants to look nice and aesthetic as possible even when my tomato plants get wild and grow ...
I have a friend in that vicinity, that moved from Florida, to 40 acres, to be off grid, and have a homestead! CO areas toward the Springs/Denver, expensive. May as well get large acreage depending on the budget. I read about Spur, TX. I do like TX, and lived there, but you wil...
When it comes to affording a homestead, you need to set your goals and understand What Homesteading Really Costs at that point. #2 Money Management to Afford a Homestead Many people believe that starting a homestead takes a lot of money and I suppose it can, but it doesn’t have to. ...
Handwriting plays a role in variant spellings as well, especially when you use an index that was compiled a long time after the original record was created. The people who created many of the indexes we now rely on, such as census indexes, had to make sense of the sometimes hard-to-dec...
Composed of several different structures—including several rustic stone and timber buildings built by Swedish immigrants—the Bailly Homestead was named a National Historic Landmark in 1966.Iowa: Dibble House, Eldon kdotaylor // Shutterstock Iowa: Dibble House, Eldon This simple, whitewashed home ...
Glaciers, volcanoes, forested coasts—these distinctive Alaskan landscapes are packed into this rarely visited reserve. Here’s what you need to know.
Having said all that, sometimes when we get a lot of apple cider, it doesn’t all fit in the fridge, life gets busy, and there are times when some gets forgotten about for a few too many days. This is how you make hard apple cider… alcoholic cider. As time goes on and the fres...