And it is in the WeStem Part Of the SCottiSh Highlands. 3. Why is the Climate Of Britain much milder Ihan that Of many PIaCeS in the Same IatitUde? Key: FirSHy, the Climate Of Br itain is moderated by the AtIantiC GUlf Stream, WhiCh is a Warm CUrrenL PaSSeS the WeStem CoaSt Of...
Now a State University of New York (at Buffalo) geographer wants to redefine North America’s center. Peter Rogerson has mapped a spot 175 km southwest of Rugby, North Dakota. His center is near the center of Center, North Dakota. The town – population 571 – got its name when it was...
and sandals heading north along the west slope of Colorado. We drove past a many acre commercially farmed pot field at one point. John and I didn’t stop as we already have enough vices. At 3 pm the heated air got hazier and hazier. We found ourselves driving through forrest fire smok...
once, after his players insisted that there was no space on the field to run into, woodward took a printout of a prozone freeze-frame taken 24 seconds into a match against france. it showed both teams around the ball in a small area on the pitch and acres of unoccupied space everywher...
One of the most frequent questions I get asked is how do I weave in my ends, especially on corner-to-corner (C2C) crochet projects. I've posted a few quick videos on my Facebook page a few times over the years, but thought it warranted a full blog post t