How to grow Christmas Cactus houseplants. Forcing Christmas Cactus to bloom. Growing better with The Gardener's Network.
This guide will give you all of the basics that you need to tend to a Christmas Cactus and help you make your home more colorful during the holiday season. How to Care for Christmas Cactus Christmas Cactuses are not actually cactuses at all; in fact, they require care that is very simila...
A Timely Bloom: How to Care for a Christmas CactusWith the holidays quickly approaching, what better plant with which to decorate than the Christmas cactus? Its bright colors and perfectly-timed blooming schedule make it a popular choice for holiday decor. From a small display in your home to...
The Christmas cactusis a long-lasting holiday plant (move over, poinsettias!) that flowers in winter with colorful, tubular flowers in pink or lilac hues. Learn how to care for a Christmas cactus—how much to water this succulent, how to get a Christmas cactus to bloom, and how to propag...
When you notice your cactus beginning to form buds, keep your hands to yourself! Moving the plant could cause stress, which can often lead to your cactus dropping its buds. Also make sure it has plenty of water while the buds are forming and while the flowers are in bloom. ...
Christmas cactus is more of a North American plant name because of the time of year when the plant blooms indoors. The plant belongs to theSchlumbergerafamily, of which there are about six to nine species. They’re epiphytic plants native to the rainforests of Brazil, and typically bloom ...
They can grow with very little light and that's why they make good house plants, however, for good flower production your Christmas Cactus will require bright light or full sun in the fall months. Plant them in a soil mix consisting of 3 parts peat moss, 1 part loam and 1 part coars...
Thanksgiving Cactus Thanksgiving Cactus is a member of the Cactaceae family. Known by its botanical nameSchlumbergeratruncata,thisis the parent of many hybridSchlumbergeras. Here you'll find out how to make this holiday cactus bloom year after year. Plus, you'll get tips for pruning, re...
However, "flower buds can fail to develop and bloom if the light and water it received before early October (when watering stops) was insufficient," he notes. How to Propagate a Christmas Cactus "Propagating a plant is a great way to produce new plants to add to your space or give as...
Christmas cactus plants are easy to care for, even withstanding a few weeks of neglect. Given the right conditions, these beautiful winter-flowering plants mature into amazing arching specimens that live up to 20 years. When the blooms have faded, stop watering your plant for 6-8 weeks to al...